Favourite category shows the most popular flower bouquets and arrangements. This is when you can see what most other people are ordering and decide, based on their choices, what you would like to order. Alternatively, please call Floral Expressions on 0296831116 and let our expert florists choose an arrangement for you.
Romantic Red Roses
from $185.00
In stock!
Red Roses
In stock!
Dainty Roses
from $90.00
In stock!
Valentines flowers
In stock!
Japonica Floral arrangement
In stock!
from $185.00
In stock!
Field of dreams
from $130.00
In stock!
Celebration Bouquet
from $190.00
In stock!
Sunrise Bouquet
from $199.00
In stock!
from $95.00
In stock!
from $55.00
In stock!
Bush Beauty
from $90.00
In stock!
from $140.00
In stock!
Elegant bouquet
from $135.00
In stock!
Crazy For You Floral Arrangement
In stock!
Purple Rain
from $115.00
In stock!
Love Me Tender
from $125.00
In stock!
Deluxe Posy
from $65.00
In stock!
Gerbera Desire
from $55.00
In stock!
Gerbera Bouquet
from $55.00
In stock!
Phalaenopsis Orchids
In stock!
Serenity now
from $160.00
In stock!
Lily Bouquet
from $100.00
In stock!
from $200.00
In stock!
Dainty Pastel Mix
from $40.00
In stock!
Little Flower Box
from $40.00
In stock!
Unforgettable Bouquet
from $199.00
In stock!
Florist Choice Bouquet
from $60.00
In stock!
Native Flower Bouquet
from $90.00
In stock!
Florist Choice Box
from $80.00
In stock!
Orchid Care pack
In stock!
Gift Hamper
from $125.00
In stock!