We Do Same Day Delivery if Order is Placed Before 1:00 PM. For Weekends Order has to be placed Before 11:00 AM.
02 9683 1116
The internet is a great tool for searching whatever goods, or services you need. Flowers fit neatly into Google search space as many people search flower names to see what they look like, or to find out when they are available, or to send bunches of flowers to their loved ones. Examples of some of the most popular search terms are roses and peonies. These two flowers are many people’s favourites, especially among future brides looking for their perfect wedding bouquet.
When it comes to ordering flowers online looking for a good florist might be a little daunting. Here are a few tips on how to spot a good florist online. We are assuming that you have the recipients address and are using the internet by searching : ” florist (Suburb Name) ” eg: ” florist Northmead “. In our example of ” florist Northmead ” , Google brings up a number of results, even though Floral Expressions is the only florist actually located in Northmead. The top 5 are advertisements for florists, rather than names of florists located in Northmead. You will find these names advertised in nearly every suburb of Australia, every town and regional area. These are just order gathering websites that take your money, keep up to 50% commission, and then pass it on to a local florist for delivery. Therefore, if you give them $100 to deliver a beautiful bunch of flowers, you often get a much smaller version, since the florist only gets paid $50 to make up your order. You can read more about order gatherers here. Also a list of order gatherers is provided here.
Google Local Search
1. To avoid order gatherers always use the Google Local Search area. This is an area that shows map locations of the actual flower shops. We have provided an example of the search for florist North Rocks. The three local florists are shown on the map and their details are clearly displayed in the Local Search area.
2. Look for a local phone number and address. Google Local will show you all the local florists, open their websites and make sure that there is a local number and address. A lot of order gatherers will have a 1300, or 1800 number and will not show a local address.
3. Read the Google Reviews, they will provide you with a good indication as to the quality of their flowers as well as their service.
3. Look for a florist whose website shows their own work, rather than a menu of generic products that are used by many different florists.